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Contact Us

Product information is available by clicking on the links on the homepage and policy information is available by clicking on the login icon above.

By logging-in online, you can do the following:

Obtain a valuation of your Policy

Update your correspondence address

Change your designated beneficiary

Provide Monument International with your up-to-date tax information which we need to make payments and for tax reporting

Prepare and print the relevant form to receive a payment from your Policy

If you still need to contact Monument International, the most efficient means of contact is by email to ask.gg@monument.im and we will aim to respond within 5 working days. 

Please note the transmission of information to Monument International by email is at the user’s discretion (alternatively you may wish to contact Monument International by regular mail).  Monument International disclaims all liability regarding any message which is corrupted, lost, delayed, incomplete, mis-delivered, intercepted, decrypted or otherwise misused by others.